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英文学術会誌“Global Environmental Research” (ISSN:2432-7484)

 “Global Environmental Research”は、国際環境研究協会 が編集・発行している英文学術会誌です。2016年度発行のVol.20 No1&2より、電子ブックでの発行となりました。



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2024年 10月 GER Vol.28 No.1 “Development of Waste Management in Asia towards the Resilient Society to the Climate,Pandemic and Natural Disasters” を刊行しました。





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Global Environmental Rearch 刊行物一覧




of Issue
TitleResponsible EditorAvailability
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Vol.28 No.1
Development of Waste Management in Asia towards the Resilient Society to the Climate,Pandemic and Natural DisastersTomonori ISHIGAKIelectronic Journal only
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Vol.27 No.2
Sustainable Mountain Development and Conservation:From International Year of Mountains Plus 20 to International Year of Sustainable Mountain Development and beyondFumiko NAKAO and Teiji WATANABEelectronic Journal only
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Vol.27 No.1
Air Pollution from Vegetation Fire and Its Health Effects in AsiaKayo UEDAelectronic Journal only
Vol.26 No.1 & 2
Role of Asia towards a Decarbonized World: Roadmap of Asian CountriesToshihiko MASUI, Yasuko KAMEYAMA and Kiyoshi TAKAHASHIelectronic Journal only
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Vol.25 No.1 & 2
Ensuring Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns in Southeast AsiaTomohiro TASAKI and Masahiko HIRAOelectronic Journal only
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Vol.24 No.2
Progress in Environmental Emergency Research afterthe Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima Nuclear DisaterToshimasa OHARA, Seiji HAYASHI and Kazuki IIJIMAelectronic Journal only  
Vol.24 No.1
Long-term Environmentally Sound Mercury Management after the Minamata ConventionReiko SODENOelectronic Journal only  
Vol.23 No.1&2
Sustainable Management of Oceanic Island Ecosystems:  Lessons from a Natural World Heritage Site, the Ogasawara IslandsNaoki KACHIelectronic Journal only
Vol.22 No.1 & 2
PM2.5 Pollution in AsiaToshimasa OHARA,Masaji ONO and Keiichi SATOelectronic Journal only
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Vol.21 No.1 & 2
Perspectives on Climate Change Research in Japan after the Paris Agreement : International Negotiations, Technologies and Countermeasures, Plus AdaptationHideo HARASAWAelectronic Journal only
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Vol.20 No.1 & 2
Radioactive Environmental Pollution from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident and Measures towards Recovery — Advances in Environmental Research —
Toshimasa OHARAelectronic Journal only
2015Vol.19 No.2Transformation towards Sustainability under the Sustainable Development Goals     
Norichika KANIE,
Vol.19 No.1 Sustainable Use of Phosphorus in Asia
Hisao OHTAKEnon
2014Vol.18 No.2Trends and Directions of Land Change Sciences towards Regional and Global Sustainability
Teiji WATANABE, Hideaki SHIBATAnon
Vol.18 No.1Impacts of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami on Human Life and EcosystemHiroyoshi HIGUCHInon
2013Vol.17 No.2Key Studies on Tropical Mangrove Ecosystems Tomomi INOUEnon
Vol.17 No.1Pathways towards Low-Carbon Societies in AsiaMikiko KAINUMAnon
2012Vol.16 No.2Ecosystem Services Assessment of the Satoyama and Satoumi for a Nature-Harmonious SocietyMasataka WATANABEnon
Vol.16 No.1Studies on the Recent Glacial Fluctuations, Glacial Lakes and Glacial Lake Outburst Floods in South Asian MountainsTeiji WATANABEnon
2011Vol.15 No.2Precipitation Products : Development and Application to Climate Change StudiesAkiyo YATAGAInon
Vol.15 No.1Biomass Burning and Its Impacts on Earth's EnvironmentHaruo TSURUTA,
2010Vol.14 No.2Education for Sustainable Development: Promises and ChallengesFrans LENGLET,
Zinaida FADEEVA,
Vol.14 No.1Desertification Control and Restoration of Ecosystem Services in Northeast AsiaToshiya OKUROnon
2009Vol.13 No.2Wind Disaster Risk and Global Environment ChangeYukio TAMURA,
Masatoshi YOSHINO
Vol.13 No.1New Horizons in Global Environmental Research : Biometeorological AspectsMasami IRIKInon
2008Vol.12 No.2Ecotourism and Global ChangeMasatoshi YOSHINOnon
Vol.12 No.1Emerging Threats Posed by Infectious Diseases Transmitted from WildlifeAkio YAMADA,
Hiroyoshi HIGUCHI
2007Vol.11 No.2Principles and Practice of Ecological Restoration -the Case of Eurasian WetlandsIzumi WASHITANInon
Vol.11 No.1Weather Forecasting for Health and SocietyMasatoshi YOSHINOnon
2006Vol.10 No.2Global Warming and Its ImpactsHideo HARASAWAnon
Vol.10 No.1Mountain Environments and Human ActivitiesTeiji WATANABEnon 
2005Vol.9 No.2Conservation and Management of Living Marine ResourcesHiroyuki MATSUDAnon
Vol.9 No.1II. Studies on Impact of ClimateChange Related to APN
Masatoshi YOSHINOnon
 Vol.9 No.1I. Sustainable Land Management of Atoll IslandsHajime KAYANNEnon
2004Vol.8 No.2Invasive Alien Species Problems in Japan: Present Status and Countermeasures IIIzumi WASHITANInon
Vol.8 No.1Invasive Alien Species Problems in Japan: Present Status and Countermeasures IIzumi WASHITANInon
Vol.7 No.2Conflict between Crows and Humans in Urban AreasHiroyoshi HIGUCHInon
Vol.7 No.1Biological Uniqueness and Conservation of Island EcosystemsNaoki KACHInon
2002Vol.6 No.2Volcanic Ashes and Their SoilsSatoshi MATSUMOTOnon
Vol.6 No.1Global Warming and Sustainable Use of Mountain Resources in AsiaTeiji WATANABEnon
2001Vol.5 No.2Traditional Sustainable Ecosystem‘SATOYAMA’and Biodiversity Crisis in JapanIzumi WASHITANInon
Vol.5 No.1Progress in Human Dimension Research of Global Change in AsiaSyuzo NISHIOKAnon
2000Vol.4 No.2Ecology and Conservation of Migratory BirdsHiroyoshi HIGUCHInon
Vol.4 No.1Acid RainKenichi SATAKEnon
1999Vol.3 No.2Rice Production in Monsoon AsiaMasatoshi YOSHINOnon
Vol.3 No.1Recent Counter-measure for DesertificationSatoshi MATSUMOTOnon
1998Vol.2 No.2Global Environmental change and Human HealthMasami IRIKInon
Vol.2 No.1IGAC Activities in JapanHajime AKIMOTOnon
IGBP Activities and Results in JapanHajime KAYANNEnon