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His areas of expertise cover energy security, energy policy, industrial ecology, life cycle assessment and waste management. As of 2021, he has written 27 Scopus-based articles during his career, of which he has been the lead author of 23. Jordi CRAVIOTO Dr Jordi Cravioto is an assistant professor at the Institute for Advanced Energy, Kyoto University. He has written on topics related to the sustainable use of energy and resources in the industrial, residential and transport sectors of Latin America and Southeast Asia. He is a member of Japan's Energy and Resources Society and the Mexican Network of Energy Poverty Studies. He holds a B.Eng. in Electro-Mechanics from Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico, and a Master’s and Ph.D. in Energy Science from Kyoto University. Shunsuke KASHIWAKURA Dr. Shunsuke Kashiwakura is a lecturer at the Department Engineering, Ritsumeikan University. He obtained his Ph.D. in Environmental Science from the Graduate School of Environmental Science, Tohoku University. He specializes in high-speed optical sorting and its evaluation, especially in the area of recycling using sensors and spectroscopy. As of 2021, he has written 31 Scopus-based articles. Eiji YAMASUE Prof. Dr. Eiji Yamasue has been a professor at Ritsumeikan University since 2019. He got his Ph.D. in 2000 from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, in the field of materials science, followed by an academic carrier as an assistant professor at the Graduate School of Energy Science, Kyoto University, in the fields of materials science, environmental engineering and industrial ecology. He transferred to Ritsumeikan University in 2016 as an associate professor. During his career, he has written 111 Scopus-based articles and 12 book chapters. of Mechanical obtained

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