Cambodia is expected to become shorter in the near future. It is necessary to develop a policy to provide an incentive for extending the lifespan of Cambodia’s two-wheelers. In this study, the flow of two-wheelers to Cambodia from other countries in Southeast Asia was estimated using UN Comtrade data. Then, lifespans of two-wheelers domestically produced in Cambodia and imported from other countries were analyzed, and lifespan distributions were determined using the Weibull distribution for each case. The existing population balance model was modified the different generations of owners. The number of obsolete two-wheelers in Cambodia was estimated during the period 2010–2040 using the population balance model modified accordingly reuse of two-wheelers imported from other countries and used by second and third owners in Cambodia. Finally, the requirement to ensure the appropriate treatment of obsolete two-wheelers in Cambodia was considered from the perspective of intermediate treatment and final recycling. B2B CAMBODIA (2020) Cambodian Car Market 2020. 12 8. Retrieved from South-South Economic Link. Although this study differentiates among associated countries in rough categories in terms of lifespan, it would be reasonable to expect that the average duration of each ownership in Cambodia, Vietnam, India, China and Thailand would actually differ. Further analysis to determine the lifespan of two-wheelers more accurately for each of the associated countries will also be necessary. Moreover, this study employed data from gasoline-fueled two-wheelers, it is reasonable to expect that the share of electric two-wheelers will increase in the future. It will be necessary to consider changes in the waste materials contained in two-wheelers in Cambodia from this perspective. 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