)t( lairetam fo tnuomA0200020052010201520202025203020352040 90 2040 under the perspective of the disassembly process, the installation of a single crushing machine at each intermediate treatment facility would be sufficient in Cambodia. 80,00060,00040,00020,000Landfilling is a major waste treatment method in Cambodia (Singh, et al. 2018). At present, the appropriate recycling systems have yet to be established. It is not considered likely that the necessary number of treatment facilities can be established with the capacity to properly treat all the obsolete two-wheelers domestically in Cambodia by 2040. Thus, the possibility of engaging neighboring countries for cooperation in dealing with the large quantity of obsolete two-wheelers must be considered as a course of immediate action. To consider the requirements for final recycling facilities, we estimated the amount of waste materials contained in the two-wheelers in Cambodia. The amount of each material contained in an obsolete two-wheeler in Cambodia was estimated by using the estimated number of obsolete two-wheelers in Cambodia, which was calculated as indicated in Chapter 3, based on the data for the composition of two-wheelers. The scenario “Import (3rd) + Domestic production", as provided in Chapter 3, was used to demonstrate the features of the worst case scenario in Cambodia. The amounts of each material contained in a two-wheeler were estimated by Kurogi et al. (Kurogi, et al. 2021). Based on these data, the amounts of waste materials contained in a two-wheeler in Cambodia were estimated, as shown in Fig. 2. There is more steel than any other metal contained in a two-wheeler: the amount of steel discarded from obsolete two-wheelers in Cambodia in 2040 is predicted to be approximately 30,000 tons. After steel, the metal contained in the largest quantity in two-wheelers alloy, ADC12. Approximately 19,000 tons of waste ACD12 can be expected to be generated from obsolete two-wheelers in Cambodia in 2040. It is important to collect and recycle these metals efficiently from obsolete two-wheelers. the is SteelStainless steelAluminum alloyPolypropylenePolystyreneABS resinPolyuretaneOthersFig. 2 Estimation of the amounts of waste materials contained in two-wheelers in Cambodia under the Scenario “Import (3rd) + Domestic production.” aluminum yearG. MURAKAMI et al. Since there is more steel than any other metal contained in a two-wheeler, we considered the case of steel in more depth. It is important to ensure that the steel from obsolete two-wheelers is efficiently recycled. The capacities of final recycling facilities for iron scrap in 2019 in neighboring countries, such as Vietnam and Laos have been confirmed (Cravioto, et al. 2021). These capacities were compared with the amount of iron scrap waste generated in Cambodia. The capacity of final recycling facilities to process iron scrap wastes to be approximately 1,148,000 tons, and that in Laos, about 0.15 tons (Cravioto, et al. 2021). Considering there are 30,000 tons of iron scrap contained in the obsolete two-wheelers the capacities of final recycling facilities in neighboring countries would be capable of handling the amount of iron scrap waste from Cambodia’s obsolete two-wheelers. That is, it will be possible for the iron scrap wastes generated from the obsolete two-wheelers in Cambodia to be properly treated if they are delivered to the appropriate treatment facilities in Vietnam. As mentioned above, used products are imported into Cambodia from neighboring countries like Thailand and Vietnam. It should be stressed that these exporting countries also need to take responsibility for dealing with the materials in obsolete used products like two-wheelers. An agreement will need to be made between Cambodia and neighboring countries arranging for all of the iron scrap waste to be delivered to the appropriate treatment facilities to ensure that these valuable materials are not wasted. In addition, an optimal transportation system connecting peripheral countries in the ASEAN region should be considered as part of the responsibility for dealing with the materials of obsolete used products like two-wheelers. In this study, we estimated the number of obsolete two-wheelers to be generated in Cambodia during the period 2010–2040. Several limitations, however, must be acknowledged. It should be noted that this study assumed that the trends in the ownership rates in Cambodia and Vietnam will be the same. The two-wheeler ownership rate may decrease with the growing number of privately owned cars and the development of infrastructure in Cambodia, such as railways, subways and a bus system. If the ownership rate in Cambodia decreases, it is possible that the number of obsolete two-wheelers will actually decrease. In addition, this study assumed the lifespan of two-wheelers to be constant, whereas the practical lifespan will economic development (Kosai et al., 2020). According to a study by Kosai et al. (2020), the lifespan of two-wheelers in from obsolete in Vietnam in Cambodia, change with inevitably two-wheelers is reported 4.2 Final Recycling Facility 4.3 Limitations
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