
In the previous chapter, the estimated number of obsolete two-wheelers in Cambodia during the period up to 2040 was presented. To address the issue of treating significant quantities of obsolete in Cambodia, it will be important to develop an appropriate stinut etelosbo fo sreleehw-ow rebmuN0200020052010201520202025203020352040)( Fig. 1 Estimation of the number of obsolete two-wheelers in 1,200,000Import(1st)+Domestic production1,000,000Import(2nd)+Domestic production800,000Import(3rd)+Domestic production600,000400,000200,000This study demonstrates the features of this trend, using the scenario “Import(2nd)+Domestic production.” Here, all two-wheelers imported into Cambodia are considered used products which are used by second owners in Cambodia. The number of two-wheelers discarded in 2030 (approximately 0.49 million units) and 2040 (approximately 0.91 million units) is expected to be 3.4 times and 6.4 times higher, respectively, than that in 2020 (approximately 0.14 million units). The number of two-wheelers owned in Cambodia in the year 2040 is expected to be 16,000,000 units, and the average number of two-wheelers per capita in 2040, 0.87 units. Based on these three scenarios, it can be said that the in conceivable number of obsolete Cambodia is within the gray range in Fig. 1, with an error range of ± 10% in the reliability of this result. Meanwhile, that different ownership this error range generations for two-wheelers result in a significant difference in the estimate. This suggests that the shorter lifespan of two-wheelers imported from other countries shortens the disposal cycle. For instance, it was found that the number of discarded two-wheelers in Cambodia under the scenario of “Import (3rd) + Domestic production” in 2040 (986,000 units) would have increased by a factor of 1.31 compared to that under the scenario of “Import (1st) + Domestic production” (754,000 units). indicates imported In this way, the real number of obsolete two-wheelers in Cambodia may be greater than the estimated number of obsolete two-wheelers in Cambodia based on the existing PBM, which does not consider different ownership generations. This is a clear indication that Cambodia urgently needs for discarded two-wheelers. treatment measures Cambodia. Estimating Material Flow of Two-wheelers in Cambodia yeartwo-wheelers two-wheelers management strategy for two-wheelers in Cambodia. Appropriate The current capacity for intermediate treatment in Cambodia is not sufficient to meet the requirements for the proper the waste from obsolete two-wheelers (JICA, KOA SHOJI, FORVAL 2016). Therefore, we investigated the possibility of installing an intermediate treatment facility in Cambodia. Regarding the number of obsolete two-wheelers to be the scenario “Import (3rd) + Domestic processed, production” provided in Chapter 3 was used to represent the worst case scenario in Cambodia. To suggest the systems required for appropriate intermediate treatment of two-wheelers in Cambodia, a field survey was conducted at one of the formal intermediate facilities in Japan as a representative case. In the case of the disassembling process, a facility covering approximately 1,000 m2 of land deals with approximately 2,000 units per person per year, with 24 laborers working fulltime. This means that 24 workers are capable of manually disassembling 48,000 motorcycles in one year at a single intermediate treatment facility. Assuming that installations with equivalent capacity to that in Japan were established in Cambodia, a total of 21 intermediate treatment facilities equivalent in capacity to one Japanese intermediate treatment facility would be required by 2040 in order to disassemble the projected number of obsolete two-wheelers in Cambodia. Crushing machines and backhoes are used in the crushing process. The number of crushing machines required to deal with the estimated number of obsolete two-wheelers in Cambodia in 2040 was estimated. It was assumed that a general crushing machine with a maximum processing capacity of three tons per hour was installed. If this crushing machine is operated for eight hours per day on 250 days per year, 6,000 tons of obsolete two-wheelers could be crushed by this single crushing machine annually. Considering that the weight of the typical two-wheeler is 73 kg, the amount of waste from two-wheelers in Cambodia in 2040 was estimated at 72,000 tons. Based on these data, 12 crushing machines will be required by 2040 in Cambodia. Considering that 21 intermediate treatment facilities will be required by treatment of obsolete to ensure treatment of two-wheelers needs to be executed in two steps: intermediate treatment and final recycling. At intermediate treatment facilities, obsolete two-wheelers would be manually disassembled and crushed using a machine so that the waste could be processed smoothly. At the final recycling facilities, the waste would be recycled according to how it was classified as a resource in the intermediate treatment facilities. From the perspectives of intermediate treatment and final recycling, we considered what would be required in that obsolete Cambodia are treated appropriately. two-wheelers 89 4.1 Intermediate Treatment 4. Discussion

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