
urbanization or because they felt it was unsafe to have a window open at night. Global warming appears to be an additional reason windows cannot be opened. Together, we conclude that these are the major factors leading Vietnamese people to purchase and use ACs (Fig. 6). This research was supported by the Environment Research and Technology Development Fund (S-16-2, JPMEERF16S11606) of the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency. The authors would like to thank Dr. Eiko Kojima (formerly of the National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan; currently of the Japan International Cooperation Agency) and local Vietnamese people who supported our field surveys in Vietnam. Although the Vietnamese government has promoted the use of products with high energy efficiency since 2003 (Nong et al., 2020), few households recognize the energy labels on electric appliances. Koning et al. (2015) found that although awareness and knowledge of sustainable consumption the urban middle-class in Vietnam, motivation to live healthy lifestyles and protect the planet for future generations is high. Our study shows that the habit of showering with cold water has been changed by the introduction and use of ACs. As the number of people who spend more hours in air-conditioned rooms increases, it is likely that more people will opt to use ACs for longer hours and to take hot showers. This represents a major shift in the daily behavior of Vietnamese people. However, this also suggests that promoting energy-saving lifestyles among young people (e.g., TV commercials encouraging people to dress in lighter clothes in the office or adopt traditional habits such as bathing with cold water) may help to avoid the overuse of ACs in the future. is generally Previous studies have suggested improving the indoor thermal environment by improving the thermal performance of residential buildings and promoting the use of high-efficiency ACs (Sawashima & Matsubara, 2017; Le & Pitts, 2019). We found that people’s awareness of energy saving is still low, so these hard-type measures are still needed. As the number of households installing ACs increases in both urban and rural areas, however, new measures drawing on a broader perspective are also needed. We need to place equal importance on soft-type policy approaches, such as publication of basic Fig. 6 Motivation for owning and using air condition units, and expected measures to mitigate Household Survey on Air Conditioner Use and Energy Consumption in Vietnam environmental impacts. low among energy-saving environmentally friendly lifestyles. GSO (General Statistics Office of Vietnam) (2006) The Vietnam Household Living Standards Survey 2006. Retrieved from (accessed 18 May 2021) GSO (2018) The Vietnam Household Living Standards Survey 2016. from Retrieved 2019/04/result-of-the-vietnam-household-living-standards-survey-2016-2/ (accessed 18 May 2021) GSO (2020) Socio-economic Statistical Data of 63 Provinces and from Cities. Retrieved statistics/2020/05/socio-economic-statistical-data-of-63-provinces-and-cities/ (accessed 21 May 2021) Kim, T., Murakami, S., Kato, S., Shiraishi, Y., Ooka, R., Ikaga, T. and Lee, S. (2000) Study on high-density habitation in urban region of hot and humid climate (Part 1): Measurement of outdoor thermal environment around traditional housing in Hanoi. Summaries of Technical Papers of Annual Meeting Architectural Institute of Japan, 897–898. (in Japanese) tips for AC use and promotion of the 83 Acknowledgement References Danish Energy Agency (2017) Vietnam Energy Outlook Report. from Retrieved tion/Official_docs/Vietnam/vietnam-energyoutlook-report-2017-eng.pdf (accessed 19 May 2021)

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