World Steel Association (2020) Steel Statistical Yearbook 2020 Concise Version. Retrieved from steel-by-topic/statistics/steel-statistical-yearbook.html (accessed 14 May 2021) Yusop, N., Wahab, D. and Saibani, N. (2016) Realising the automotive remanufacturing roadmap in Malaysia: challenges and the way forward. Journal of Cleaner Production, 112: 1910–1919. Estimating the Potential Material-saving Effects of Automotive Parts Remanufacturing (Received 31 May 2021, Accepted 27 July 2021) Mitsutaka MATSUMOTO Mitsutaka Matsumoto is group leader of the Additive Processes and Systems Group at the Advanced Manufacturing Research Institute (AMRI) of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan. His research interests include product remanufacturing, production smart manufacturing, additive manufacturing and sustainability. He holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in electrical engineering from Kyoto University and a PhD in decision science from the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Yoon-Young CHUN Yoon-Young Chun the Advanced Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Group at the Research Institute of Science for Safety and Sustainability the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan. Her research interests focus on LCA, ecodesign, sustainable business models, consumer behavior and carbon accounting. She holds a bachelor’s, master’s, and PhD degree in environmental engineering from Ajou University, Korea. Thomas GUIDAT Thomas Guidat has been director of the Industry Relations and Technology Transfer Center (IRTTC) of the Vietnamese-German University (VGU) in Binh Duong since 2019. His research interests are circular economy, entrepreneurship, innovation and sustainable manufacturing. He holds a double masters’ degree in technology and innovation management from Toulouse Business School (TBS) and the Technical University of Berlin (TUB) and a PhD from TUB in industrial engineering, obtained after five years work as a research engineer for machine tools and factory management. Kiyotaka TAHARA Kiyotaka Tahara is director of the Research Laboratory for IDEA (Inventory Database for Environmental Analysis) at the Research Institute of Science for Safety and Sustainability, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). He received his PhD in chemical engineering from Seikei University in 1998. He started his career as a researcher at the Research Center for Life Cycle Assessment, AIST in 2001, and served as team leader of the Environmental Efficiency Research Team for five years from 2003, and as group leader of the Advanced LCA Research Group for six years from 2010. He currently leads development of the life cycle inventory database for IDEA . systems, in researcher is a (RISS) of 73
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