
This article has presented estimates of the potential material-saving parts remanufacturing in Southeast Asia. The potential for the year 2015 is estimated at 162,000 tons of material, 110,000 tons of steel and 0.13% of the steel used in the region. The potential for the year 2030 is estimated at 251,000 tons of material, 170,000 tons of steel and 0.13% of the steel used in the region. For steel use, the automotive sector (automobiles and spare parts) uses about 3.0% of the steel in the region, and spare parts remanufacturing has the potential for saving 5% of the sector’s steel use. This research was supported by the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency (ERCA) of Japan, Project ID: JPMEERF16S11603 of the Environmental Research and Technology Development Fund. 72 have different economic properties. Those six countries include more wealthy nations such as Singapore and Brunei, and also countries less developed than the four countries surveyed. 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