5555111155551111551155115555512111555551211154 both countries. The significantly performance (waste reduction) in both countries. ItemsAction controlsQ1Personnel controlsQ10Our workforce is carefully selected whether it fits to our firm'sTable 2 EFA Results. Superiors monitor and evaluate necessary steps regarding theirsubordinates' achievement of environmental performance goals.Superiors define the most important work steps for routineenvironmental tasks.Superiors provide subordinates with information on the mostimportant steps regarding the achievement of environmentalperformance goals.Policies and procedures manuals define the fundamental course ofenvironmental activities.Subordinates discuss the necessary work steps for achieving theenvironmental targets with superiorsQ2Q3Q4Q5Results controlsQ7Subordinates' achievement of environmental performance goals iscontrolled by their respective superiors.Potential deviations from environmental performance goals have tobe explained by the responsible subordinates.Subordinates receive feedback from their superiors concerning theextent to which they achieved their environmental performance goals.Q8Q9environmental values and normsQ11Much effort has been put into establishing the best-suited recruitingprocess for an environmental job positionQ13The environmental goal achievement is regarded as importantcondition for promotionCultural controlsQ15Our mission statement clearly communicates the firm's environment-related core values to our workforce.Q16Top managers communicate the firm's environment-related corevalues to our workforce.Q17Our workforce is aware of the firm's environment-related core values.EMAQ29Development and use of environment-related key performanceindicatorsQ30Budgeting of environmental expenditures for operationsQ31Life cycle assessmentQ32Material-efficiency analysis in physical unitsQ33Material-efficiency analysis in monetary unitsSuppliers Q38Suppliers are selected according to their level of environmentcommitment.Q39Detailed information on environmental issues is regularly sharedbetween major suppliers and our firm.Q40We commonly see targets for the suppliers for reducing theenvironmental burden.Q41The environmental policy involved with suppliers is stated.Q42The environmental burden in supply chains can be evaluated.EDMQ19Top management is actually involved in environmental management.Q20Environmental criteria are integrated in operational investmentdecisions.Q21All employees are encouraged to make suggestions in the field of thenatural environment.UEIQ34To monitor internal compliance with environmental policies andregulations.Q35To provide data for internal decision-making.Q36To motivate continuous improvement.Q37To provide data for external reporting.Notes: λ denotes the factor loading in EFA. positively implementation of SCP related to Q. WU et al. is environmental The results of our analysis reveal four significant findings. First, from VietnamMin.Max.Mean4. relationship between SCP and environmental performance (waste reduction), the results ThailandSDλλ11111111111112111121555555555555555555551111111111111111112155555555555555555555 3.880.9630.7243.880.9000.8463.710.9190.8833.981.0290.6243.950.9320.6123.850.9140.8213.721.0130.8553.670.9750.7973.530.9790.6533.770.8900.6703.140.9100.9713.920.9610.6794.001.0290.6673.860.9350.8683.591.1920.6513.733.063.363.531.1521.1821.2261.1450.7450.6050.8480.9643.631.0060.8083.530.9910.8843.291.1150.9143.383.271.1701.1110.8560.8614.133.860.8650.8560.6920.6303.730.9260.6963.831.0760.9053.763.673.930.9811.0681.0490.9230.8340.8893.3 Discussion
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