dirt better,” and “Have a habit of washing their clothes by hand and then using a washing machine to remove stains.” Also, the window in the lower-right area of the figure contains the following information: “Weak torque” and a photograph of the washing motor. A design engineer examined all the above information and came up with the idea of combining hand and machine washing in a single product. From the results, we designed a combination of wash basin and twin-tub washing machine, as shown in Fig. 7. To facilitate the task of daily laundry, our new design solution introduces a wash basin attached to the drum Fig. 6 A screenshot of the visualization system for the EFSM of a Vietnamese washing machine. Fig. 7 A schematic of the design concept. A Framework for Locally-oriented Product Design Environment Following the SD Method We investigated replacing a fully automatic washing machine (reference product) with a locally-designed twin-tub washing machine including a wash basin in an MP duplication of traditional Vietnamese house. the bathroom of a 47 opening of the hydroextractor, which enables manual washing on top of the machine while standing. 4.4 Design Solution Evaluation in an MP Before enlisting local people to experiment, we converted satisfiers gathered from workshops (Kobayashi, et al., 2019) held in Vietnam into 13 evaluation criteria based on the SD method as follows: calm ↔ restless, formed ↔ formless, healthy ↔ sick, comfortable ↔ uncomfortable, refreshed ↔ weary, free ↔ bound, cautious ↔ rash, accomplished ↔ awkward, clean ↔ dirty, delicate ↔ rough, satisfied ↔ dissatisfied, easy ↔ painful, and relaxed ↔ strained. In this experiment, the evaluation criteria were rated between 1 and 7, with a higher score indicating a more positive evaluation. Furthermore, we constructed an MP environment
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