
the late 1990s, Shimizu (1998) pointed out that Japanese corporate management that was originally based on humanism, collectivism and trust had shifted towards Anglo-Saxon management based on individualism and market competition, but that it would not become exactly the same as Anglo-Saxon management. Thailand and Vietnam are more oriented to community and traditional values than Japan. Therefore, their community-oriented management probably would not be shifted towards Anglo-Saxon management so easily.    Physical and perceptual distance between producers and consumers (i.e., the international market structure) may affect the process of finding SCP solutions. In economically large countries, the trade dependency rate (the ratio of exports and imports of products and services in gross domestic product) is usually low. For example, the trade dependency rates of Japan, China, India and Indonesia are around 40% (calculated from the World Bank’s World Development Indicators database). On the other hand, the trade dependency rates of Singapore and Vietnam are 319% and 210% in 2019, respectively. The rates of Malaysia, Cambodia, and Thailand also exceed 100%. Producers tend to pay attention to the preferences of consumers in large markets, neglecting consumer preferences in small markets. This could be a barrier for consumers and governments in the promotion of SCP.  Fig. 2 Example of structured relationships between/among local characteristics and SCP constituents in Southeast Asia. The relationships between CP patterns, SCP policy and SCP constituents at the top are simplified. See Fig. 1 for the precise relationships. Regional/Local Characteristics in Southeast Asia Figure 2 summarizes the relationships and patterns discussed in the previous sections. Several points are noteworthy here. First, local characteristics are relative. Some local characteristics mentioned in this study are truly local ones, but they also are common at the global level. An example telecommunication infrastructure in Bangkok. This is unique to Bangkok when compared with the infrastructure in other cities and towns in Thailand, but not when compared with other leading capital cities in the world. That is, local characteristics are identifiable only when a reference is provided and can vary depending on the reference point. The reference point can be either the whole (e.g., “A is unique among...”) or is more...than that in...”). In other words, the criticism that “it is not a local characteristic” is not sufficient if the reference point is not mentioned. Second, local characteristics are dynamic, historical and highly interrelated among each other. Some local characteristics have causal relationships. For example, people use air conditioners because of the humid and hot climate, and weak policy enforcement has resulted in a habit of breaking rules and the emergence of the informal sector. In addition, local characteristics have a dynamic nature. On-going change in a certain local characteristic brings about changes in other localities. Once a CP pattern is the 5G in comparison (e.g., “A 39 3.3 Local Characteristics Reconsidered

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