
               Chairperson : Teiji WATANABE Members : Naoki KACHI Hiroyasu TOKUDA Guest Editor : Tomohiro TASAKI Masahiko HIRAO Editorial Secretary : Association of International Research Initiatives for Environmental Studies Ryoko MORIMOTO Patricia ORMSBY It is our great pleasure to issue journal ‘Global Environmental Research’, which aims to disseminate the results of studies on global environmental issues, studies conducted not only in Japan but also in other parts of the world. Many scientists monitor research in their own fields. However, communications among scientists are not always easy, because the ranges of their fields are so broad, subjects are so diverse, and reports may not be written in an internationally spoken language. This journal is intended to help fill these gaps. Many publications, reports, and other forms of information have been released relating to Japanese studies on global environmental issues in recent years. The primary purpose of ‘Global Environmental Research’ is to provide information on Japanese research results to scientists internationally and promptly. We also hope that ‘Global Environmental Research’ will encourage exchanging information among Asian and Pacific regions where local language barriers and limited opportunities exist. International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP), International Human Dimensions Programme of Global Environmental Change (IHDP) and other international and interdisciplinary programmes have produced many important results. A new global research platform, ‘Future Earth’ started to provide the knowledge required to face risks posed by global environmental changes and to seize every opportunity for Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs). The results of these studies need to be distributed worldwide. We hope this journal will also contribute to this end. It was said that the title of the third scientific symposium of the IHDP, ‘Global Change, Local Challenge’, recognizes that global changes are the results of a variety of local activities shaped by particular cultures, histories, political boundaries, and national policies. We are certain that our ‘Global Environmental Research’ will serve as a transmitter of information on local activities about global change. Professor, Hokkaido University Designated Professor, Tokyo Metropolitan University Executive Director, Association of International Research Initiatives for Environmental Studies Head of Material Cycles and Social Systems Research Section, National Institute for Environmental Studies Professor, The University of Tokyo Editorial Administrator English Editor Teiji WATANABE Editorial Editorial Board

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