emphasized new and diverse ways to provide information and influence consumer choice. Such insights, including tailoring environmental information to guide consumer’s decisions, can be utilized in SCP policies to make them more effective. It is necessary to devise ways to provide more effective environmental information. Specifically, it is important to provide relevant environmental information at each stage of decision-making by consumers and others for purchasing or selecting a product or service. Product and service design that reflects people’s needs in a local context and the “new normal” era moves the consumer market. A disproportionate focus on product quality can lead to overconsumption as well as diminish consumer satisfaction through function fatigue. Product design should seek to improve human sufficiency by not only adding new streamlining and simplification. Such designs should cohere throughout the entire product lifecycle without undue emphasis on the optimization of production processes. Localized product design is an entry point for SCP to achieve appropriate quality at a reasonable price while preventing overconsumption. features but also In local-oriented design that corresponds to regional diversity, the following two perspectives are important: (1) that of what should be cut from functions and structures of products in developed countries (concept of subtraction) or what should be recognized as minimum necessary requirements (concept of addition), and (2) that of the optimization of individual products. Support techniques and tools for local-oriented product design have been put forward by Kobayashi et al. (2021) in this special issue. improving sufficiency Digitization technology If emerging economies in Asia follow along the path of economic growth taken by developed countries, consumption of resources and energy can be expected to rise with an increase in the number of products owned, making the realization of SCP increasingly difficult. However, leapfrog development (cf. Fong, 2009). For instance, IoT (Internet of Things) and AI (artificial intelligence) both comprise promising link digital opportunities Integration of such technologies with renewable energy and appropriate technology (Hazeltine & Bull, 1999), and making data accessible to users helps formulate new systems for SCP practices in line with the four strategic courses of SCP technologies can expand policy. In addition, such there is a potential technologies to SCP efforts. Policy Development for Sustainable Consumption and Production in Asia throughout life, not to achieve that effectively stakeholders’ capacities for changing ways to measure and mainstream SCP implementation. A sharing economy is one pathway to strengthening CP linkages. Take advantage of this opportunity while implementing infection prevention. With Urban planning, infrastructure development, rules and customs greatly influence the pursuit of lifestyles that align with SCP patterns. It is necessary to balance the development of digital infrastructure supporting online lifestyles and other infrastructure supporting activities that are difficult to perform online. In many emerging cities in Asia, the development of infrastructure, such as public transportation, sewerage and waste disposal, are far from sufficient and generate problems, such as traffic congestion, air pollution and water pollution. Even infrastructure exists, maintenance and operations may not be performed properly. Further improvement and development of infrastructure enabling sustainable lifestyles and support for people having low accessibility to such infrastructure are therefore needed. It is also important to combine various including digital infrastructures and alternative infrastructures that suit the era of decarbonization. In this sense, existing gaps in infrastructure in Asia provide opportunities for building low-carbon, resource-efficient and inclusive energy, transportation and housing systems because the emerging Asian cities would not have to eliminate old-fashioned infrastructure as cities in developed countries have to. tool for reforming CP patterns and generating diverse options and values. Rules and customs can inhibit people from practicing more sustainable behaviors as much as infrastructure can. SCP policy should pay attention to such “soft” infrastructure, too. the widespread use of mobile if such infrastructures properly 9 4.6 Opportunity 6: Design for Local Needs 4.7 Opportunity 7: Digital Transformation is a powerful 4.8 Opportunity 8: Sharing Economy terminals, electronic payment systems, and IoT, it has become easy to connect consumers who want others to use unused possessions and consumers who want to use them. In addition, there are more customs of sharing in Asian countries compared with Europe and the United States (Belk, 2010). The penetration of the sharing economy may increase resource efficiency in the form of increased availability of products. However, whether the environmental load will decrease or increase as a result of sharing depends on the lifecycle characteristics of the products to be shared and sharing systems (Amasawa et al., 2020). Promoting sharing activities and understanding the conditions under which such activities can reduce environmental loads are important tasks of SCP policy and CP transformation. 4.9 Opportunity 9: Infrastructure for SCP
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