Volume & Number / Date of IssueTitleResponsible EditorVol. 1 No. 1&2 / 1998IGBP Activities and Results in JapanHajime KAYANNEVol. 2 No. 1 / 1998IGAC Activities in JapanHajime AKIMOTOVol. 2 No. 2 / 1998Global Environmental Change and Human HealthMasami IRIKIVol. 3 No. 1 / 1999Recent Counter-measure for DesertificationSatoshi MATSUMOTOVol. 3 No. 2 / 1999Rice Production in Monsoon AsiaMasatoshi YOSHINOVol. 4 No. 1 / 2000Acid RainKenichi SATAKEVol. 4 No. 2 / 2000Ecology and Conservation of Migratory BirdsHiroyoshi HIGUCHIVol. 5 No. 1 / 2001Progress in Human Dimension Research of Global Change in AsiaSyuzo NISHIOKAVol. 5 No. 2 / 2001Traditional Sustainable Ecosystem ‘SATOYAMA’ and Biodiversity Crisis in Japan: Conservation Ecological Perspective Izumi WASHITANIVol. 6 No. 1 / 2002Global Warming and Sustainable Use of Mountain Resources in AsiaTeiji WATANABEVol. 6 No. 2 / 2002Volcanic Ashes and Their SoilsSatoshi MATSUMOTOVol. 7 No. 1 / 2003Biological Uniqueness and Conservation of Island EcosystemsNaoki KACHIVol. 7 No. 2 / 2003Conflict between Crows and Humans in Urban AreasHiroyoshi HIGUCHIVol. 8 No. 1 / 2004Invasive Alien Species Problems in Japan : Present Status and Countermeasures [I]Izumi WASHITANIVol. 8 No. 2 / 2004Invasive Alien Species Problems in Japan : Present Status and Countermeasures [II]Izumi WASHITANICover Volume & Number / Date of IssueTitleResponsible EditorVol. 9 No. 1 / 2005[I]Sustainable Land Management of Atoll IslandsHajime KAYANNE[II]Studies on Impact of Climate Change Related to APNMasatoshi YOSHINOVol. 9 No. 2 / 2005Conservation and Management of Living Marine ResourcesHiroyuki MATSUDACoverVol. 10 No. 1 / 2006Mountain Environments and Human Activities Teiji WATANABEVol. 10 No. 2 / 2006Global Warming and Its ImpactsHideo HARASAWAVol. 11 No. 1 / 2007Weather Forecasting for Health and SocietyMasatoshi YOSHINOVol. 11 No. 2 / 2007Principles and Practice of Ecological Restoration―the Case of Eurasian WetlandsIzumi WASHITANIVol. 12 No. 1 / 2008Emerging Threats Posed by Infectious Diseases Transmitted from WildlifeAkio YAMADA / Hiroyoshi HIGUCHIVol. 12 No. 2 / 2008Ecotourism and Global ChangeMasatoshi YOSHINOVol. 13 No. 1 / 2009New Horizons in Global Environmental Research : Biometeorological AspectsMasami IRIKIVol. 13 No. 2 / 2009Wind Disaster Risk and Global Environment ChangeYukio TAMURA / Masatoshi YOSHINOVol. 14 No. 1 / 2010Desertification Control and Restoration ofEcosystem Services in Northeast AsiaToshiya OKUROCoverVolume & Number / Date of IssueTitleResponsible EditorVol. 14 No. 2 / 2010Education for Sustainable Development :Promises and ChallengesFrans LENGLET / Zinaida FADEEVA / Yoko MOCHIZUKIVol. 15 No. 1 / 2011Biomass Burning and Its Impacts on Earth’s EnvironmentHaruo TSURUTA / Kenji FUKUYAMAVol. 15 No. 2 / 2011Precipitation Products: Development and Application to Climate Change StudiesAkiyo YATAGAIVol. 16 No. 1 / 2012Studies on the Recent Glacial Fluctuations, Glacial Lakes and Glacial Lake Outburst Floods in South Asian MountainsTeiji WATANABEVol. 16 No. 2 / 2012Ecosystem Services Assessment of the Satoyama and Satoumi for a Nature-Harmonious SocietyMasataka WATANABEVol. 17 No. 1 / 2013Pathways towards Low-CarbonSocieties in AsiaMikiko KAINUMAVol. 17 No. 2 / 2013Key Studies on Tropical Mangrove EcosystemsTomomi INOUEVol. 18 No. 1 / 2014Impacts of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami on Human Life and EcosystensHiroyoshi HIGUCHIVol. 18 No. 2 / 2014Trends and Directions of Land Change Sciences towards Regional and Global SustainabilityTeiji WATANABE / Hideaki SHIBATAVol. 19 No. 1 / 2015Sustainable Use of Phosphorus in AsiaHisao OHTAKE / Kazuyo MATSUBAE / Masaru YARIMEVol. 19 No. 2 / 2015Transformation towards Sustainability under the Sustainable Development GoalsNorichika KANIE / Mari KOSAKAVol. 20 No. 1&2 / 2016Radioactive Environmental Pollution from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident and Measures towards Recovery ― Advances in Environmental Research ―Toshimasa OHARA et al.Volume & Number / Date of IssueTitleResponsible EditorCoverVol. 21 No. 1&2 / 2017Perspectives on Climate Change Research in Japan after the Paris Agreement : International Negotiations, Technologies and Countermeasures, Plus AdaptationHideo HARASAWAVol. 22 No. 1&2 / 2018PM2.5 Pollusion in AsiaToshimasa OHARA / Masaji ONO / Keiichi SATOVol. 23 No. 1&2 / 2019Sustainable Management of Oceanic Island Ecosystems: Lessons from a Natural World Heritage Site, the Ogasawara IslandsNaoki KACHIVol. 24 No. 1 / 2020Long-term Environmentally Sound Mercury Management after the Minamata ConventionReiko SODENOVol. 25 No. 1&2 / 2021(this issue)Ensuring Sustainable Consumption and Production Patterns in Southeast AsiaTomohiro TASAKI / Masahiko HIRAO116 英文誌 “Global Environmental Research” List of Back Issues
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