・Author, A.A. and Author, B.B. (Year of publication) Title of article. Title of Periodical, Volume number (Issue ・Author, A.A., Author, B.B. and Author, C.C. (Year of publication) Title of article. Title of Periodical, Volume ・Author, A.A. and Author, B.B. (Year of publication) Title of book, Edition, Publisher, Place of publication. ・Author, A.A., Author, B.B. and Author, C.C. (Year of publication) Title of book, Edition, Publisher, Place of ・Author, A.A. and Author, B.B. (Year of publication) Title of chapter. In: Editor C.C. and Editor D.D. (eds.) 114 Reference list Names of journals and other publications should be spelled out, not abbreviated. Spell out all author’s names in the reference list. If there are references to publications by the same author(s) in the same year, a, b, c, etc. should be added after the year of publication. All references cited in the text should be arranged alphabetically according to the name of author(s) on separate sheets. Each reference should be given in the following form. Citations from journals and periodicals (In the case of electronic journals, include the DOI, URL and date of access.) Citations from books, pamphlets or similar publications (In the case of electronic books etc., include the DOI, URL and date of access.) Citations from chapters or portions of books, pamphlets or similar publications (In the case of electronic books etc., include the DOI, URL and date of access.) Citations from web pages ・Author, A.A. (Year of publication) Title of document. Retrieved from http://xxxxx (accessed d mm yyyy) ・Name of Department or Committee (Year of publication) Title of document, Publisher. Retrieved from ・In the case of a single author: Watanabe (2005), (Watanabe, 2005) ・In the case of two authors: Watanabe and Kachi (2008), (Watanabe & Kachi, 2008) ・In the case of three or more authors: Watanabe et al. (2010), (Watanabe et al., 2010) or part number): pp–pp. http://dx.doi.org/xxxxx number (Issue or part number): pp–pp. Retrieved from http://xxxxx (accessed d mm yyyy) http://dx.doi.org/xxxxx/ publication. Retrieved from http://xxxxx (accessed d mm yyyy) Title of Publication, pp–pp. Publisher, Place of publication. http://xxxxx (accessed d mm yyyy) A manuscript preparation template is available at the AIRIES website, and everyone is invited to use it. Guidelines for Manuscripts for “Global Environmental Research” (Revised October 1, 2021) Submission of Manuscripts: Manuscripts can be submitted to morimoto@airies.or.jp as an e-mail attachment. Proofreading: As a general rule, the authors perform proofreading for the first proof of the manuscript only, with proofreading becoming the responsibility of the editorial board for the second and subsequent proofs. Proofreading is performed to catch printing errors, but alternations in the text, figures and tables are not allowed. If errors are found that necessitate alterations, the authors may be requested to cover the costs of readjusting the proof. Copyrights: Copyrights shall belong to the Association of International Research Initiatives for Environmental Studies.
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