Guidelines for Manuscripts 1. Qualifications for Contributions As a general rule, this publication accepts contributions from its membership. This rule may not apply, however, when the Editorial Committee requests contributions. 2. Categories of Contributions Reviews, original articles and commentary are welcomed. 3. Review of Manuscripts After the manuscript is received, it is read by several specialists in the related field. The decision to accept or reject the manuscript for publication is based upon their assessment. 4. English Revision Once the manuscript is accepted, it is sent to a native-English proofreader for revision. 5. Manuscript Style Cover: The cover sheet should include: (1) Full name, address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address for sending galley proofs and editorial correspondence (in the case of several authors for one article, only information on the representative is needed), (2) A running title of 50 characters or less, and (3) The number of tables and/or figures. Title Page: The title page should include the names of all of the authors and their respective institutions with addresses. Abstract: The abstract should be a lucid digest of the paper, not exceeding 250 words for a full paper. Key Words: Select key words (not more than six words or phrases) which identify the most important subjects covered by the article and arrange them in alphabetical order. Main Text: Manuscripts should be no more than eight pages in length. In order to keep the length to within eight pages when published, please limit the main text, including the abstract, key words and references, to 5,000 words at a maximum. Meeting those conditions allows up to eight figures and tables to be included. When a manuscript exceeds eight pages in length, a charge of 20,000 yen will be assessed for each extra page. Chapter numbers are obligatory. Each chapter can have one or more sections. Footnotes should not be used. All explanations should appear in the main text. Tables: Tables should be submitted in a form suitable for publication as is. Tables should be type-written, one per page. No lines should be used to separate columns. In the text, ‘Table n’ should be used to refer to each table. This publication welcomes tables in color and adds them free of charge. Figures: Figures should be submitted in a form suitable for publication as they are. Since the printed pages will have two columns, figures should be made either one column (79 mm) or two columns (165 mm) wide. Do not reduce the size of figures by more than 50%. In the text, ‘Fig. n’ should be used to refer to each figure, except at the beginning of sentences, where ‘Figure n’ is used. This publication welcomes figures in color and adds them free of charge. Pictures: Pictures are counted as figures. Legends for Figures and Tables: In addition to the heading, a lucid legend should explain the meaning of the figure or table without requiring reference to the text. The legends of figures and tables should be grouped on a separate sheet. References: All references mentioned or cited in the text should be listed in the reference list and vice versa. Guidelines for Manuscripts for “Global Environmental Research” 113 Main text Text references should be made by the authors’ names (for three or more authors use the first author’s name plus et al.) followed by the year of publication. Each reference should be given in the following form.
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