
Ranjeeta MISHRA Ranjeeta Mishra has been a consultant at theUnited Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) for Governance for Sustainable Development and Water for Sustainable Development projects. She is also a project consultant at the Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), Tokyo. Her research interests include development economics, new institutional economics and applied econometrics. She particularly issues such as urbanization and slum redevelopment, food security, energy and the Sustainable Development Goals. She specializes in both quantitative and qualitative research. Prior to joining ADBI, she was a UNU-JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow at the UnitedNations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS), Tokyo. Hiromi MASUDA Hiromi Masuda was appointed programme coordinator of the Governance for Sustainable Development project at the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) in 2018. Prior to joining UNU, she worked for the government of Japan developing policies towards sustainable development locally and globally. She played an active role as a senior negotiator on mitigation and transparency in the process towards the adoption of the Paris Agreement. Her experience also includes designing domestic climate change policy and establishing new projects with various stakeholders in relation to town planning and regional revitalization. Mahesti OKITASARI Mahesti Okitasari is a research associate at theUnited Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) based in Tokyo, Japan. She is interested inforunderstanding transformative change and pervasive linkagesbetween development policies and globalframeworks. Her sustainable development current works include assessing multilevel governance arrangement andpolicy processes to implement the 2030 Agenda, researching gaps andopportunities in the urban development–Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) nexus, and building knowledge on partnerships and financing forthe SDGs. of Sustainability—Operating Unit sustainable Cosmo TAKAGI Cosmo Takagi is a project research associate atthe Graduate School of Media and Governance,Keio University. His research interests includepolicy spillover effects among localgovernment in the context of the SustainableDevelopment Goals (SDGs). He is also aresearch associate at the United Nations University Institute for theIshikawa/Advanced Study Kanazawa(UNU-IAS OUIK). He has been appointed advisor on SDGs by various local governments including the cities of Kamakura, Kameoka and Kawasaki. He worked previously as a municipal government officerin Yamato City, Japan. He received his Master’s in Public Policy from theGraduate School of Governance Studies, Meiji University. Masachika SUZUKI Masachika Suzuki is a professor at the GraduateSchool of Global Environmental Studies, SophiaUniversity. His area of research interests includesandclean development, sustainable finance and banking,and communitydevelopment. Apart from his academic career, hehas work experience in the field of environmental and energy consultancy.His positions have included senior analyst at Mitsubishi Securities inTokyo and Innovest Strategic Value Advisors in New York as well asconsultant at the UN headquarters, the United Nations FrameworkConvention on Climate Change and UNU’s Institute for the AdvancedStudy of Sustainability. Tarek KATRAMIZ Tarek Katramiz is a project assistant professor at Keio University’s Graduate School of Mediaand Governance. He was previously a JapanSociety for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)postdoctoral fellow at the United NationsUniversity Institute for the Advanced Study ofSustainability (UNU-IAS). His main interest isin the politics of sustainability and development, local community andenvironmental policies. His current research focuses on implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the national and locallevels in Japan. He holds a B.A. in Japanese Studies from DamascusUniversity, and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Media and Governance from KeioUniversity. energy technology innovation and tourism institutional architecture The Sustainable Development Goals as a Tool for Analysis the (Received 17 August 2021, Accepted 5 October 2021) focuses on Norichika KANIE Norichika Kanie is a professor at the Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University. He is also a representative of the xSDG Laboratory, Keio Research Institute at SFC, and an Adjunct Professor at the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNI-IAS). He serves on various committees and steering groups, including as a commissioner of the Earth Commission, a member of the SDGs Promotion Roundtable Meeting established by the Japanese government under the SDGs Promotion Headquarters, and a member of the Expert Study Group for the Promotion of SDGs by Local Governments for the Japanese Cabinet Office. His research focuses on International Relations, Sustainability and Earth System Governance. He has been appointed by the UN Secretary-General as one of fifteen independent scientists to prepare the 2023 Global Sustainable Development Report. 111

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