
At the United Nations Summit held at the UN Headquarters in New York in September 2015, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted through the consensus of all 193 member countries as shared global goals to be achieved by 2030. The SDGs include 17 goals, but they are not to be considered isolated as if in silos. Tasaki and Endo (2017) discussed various aspects, such as how promoting energy efficiency increases the consumption of rare earth metal resources, recognized the interconnections among multiple sectors, and examined the nexus concept, which advances 1 Graduate School of Media and Governance, Keio University, 1. Background and Purpose Key words: energy, food and agriculture, housing, sustainable consumption and production (SCP), The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their 169 targets are not independent of each other but have mutual impacts. These connections are referred to as interlinkages or cohesive actions. To achieve the SDGs, integrated solutions across sectors are needed with them in mind. Sustainable consumption and production (SCP) is a key to connect multiple goals and targets of the SDGs. The objectives of this article are twofold. The first is to identify approaches for visualizing and analyzing the interrelationship between corporate activities and the SDGs based on the results of joint research with Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd, especially regarding SCP. The second is to consider the interlinkages in three thematic areas: housing, energy and agriculture, suggesting policy approaches to manage the interlinkages within each theme in Asia. First, as a case study on corporate activities, this article demonstrates how the activities of Ryohin Keikaku Co., Ltd., a Japanese company famous for its MUJI brand, are connected with the SDGs, particularly focusing on SCP. The results indicate a potential for linking corporate activities with a broad range of SDG targets. Second, this article examines the three thematic areas of housing, energy and agriculture. These three thematic areas were chosen for analysis, as they are key areas in the management of SCP. This part of the article illustrates the interlinkages within each theme and suggests policy approaches as to how to manage them within each theme. To address the challenges of SCP, the article concludes that as there are potentials in linking not only specific goals of the SDGs but also the broader goals and targets, it is essential to have cohesive actions to address the challenges. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Abstract initiatives in multiple sectors in integrated ways. When multiple components are linked to one another, one can imagine the contrasting impacts of synergies and trade-offs. Understanding these synergies and trade-offs is crucial in order to minimize the trade-offs, maximize the synergies, avoid resource depletion and secure equitable partnerships (Hegre, 2020). The 2030 Agenda itself emphasizes the importance of considering the 17 goals and 169 targets as one package, describing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals as “169 associated targets which are integrated and indivisible” (para. 18). The SDGs and sustainable consumption and production (SCP) are intimately linked as well. Hotta & 2021 AIRIES 101 Global Environmental Research 25/2021: 101–111 printed in Japan 2 United Nations University, Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability, 5322 Endo, Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa 252-0882, Japan 5-53-70 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8925, Japan *E-mail: The Sustainable Development Goals as a Tool for Analysis: SCP Linkages with Economic, Social, and Environmental Agendas Cosmo TAKAGI1*, Masachika SUZUKI2, Mahesti OKITASARI2, Tarek KATRAMIZ1, Ranjeeta MISHRA2, Hiromi MASUDA2 and Norichika KANIE1

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