
for total consumption among individuals who have “certain ways of thinking and belief” exclusive of belief in “immoderate damage” is evident in Fig. 4; (3) relational consumption contributes to all SWB measures with no clear upper bounds, while material consumption contributes to all SWB measures only up to certain thresholds. Fig. 5 Relational and material consumption and SWB (urban area in Vietnam). Based on the results of Tsurumi et al. (2021a). Note: Vertical line corresponds to life evaluation and emotional well-being. Fig. 6 Relational and material consumption and SWB (rural area in Vietnam). Based on the results of Tsurumi et al. (2021a). Note: Vertical line corresponds to life evaluation and emotional well-being. The above results, however, may be specific to developed countries. Therefore, Analysis 3 reveals the relationship between material and relational consumption and SWB in rural and urban Vietnam. The simplified estimation results for urban Vietnam shown in Fig. 5 suggest that neither the relationship between material consumption and SWB nor the relationship between relational consumption and SWB has any statistically significant correlation. This may that SWB saturation exists concerning material consumption even in developing countries. Moreover, it may imply that people in urban Vietnam place little importance on social capital. Conversely, the simplified estimation results in rural Vietnam shown relational consumption contributes to SWB without clear bounds. This finding implies that people in rural Vietnam place greater importance on social capital. in Fig.6, suggest We also found a negative correlation between material consumption and SWB. Our additional analysis shows that individuals who exhibited a high frequency of bartering have relatively high SWB. Overall, our estimation results imply that SWB saturation vis-à-vis material consumption can be observed even in developing Sustainable Consumption in Terms of Subjective Well-being in Asia imply that countries’ rural areas. Additionally, our results show that relational consumption and material consumption can significantly increase individuals’ SWB if they have strong connections with their neighbors or if they engage in bartering. Our findings imply that a sharing economy with strong social capital could be key to sustainable consumption. Figure 7 shows simplified estimation results. We found that for Group A (individuals who take better care of their possessions), increased consumption is linked to increased SWB (life satisfaction), whereas for Group B (individuals who do not their possessions), to decreased SWB. This implies that a lifestyle wherein individuals take better care of their possessions increases SWB-per-unit consumption. This finding also has a useful policy implication for developing countries, who can improve their SWB by promoting economic growth alongside responsible consumption. 3.4 Analysis 4: Effects of Attachment to Material Goods on Relationship between Consumption and SWB: Evidence from Rural Vietnam (Tsurumi et al., 2020c) In Analysis 3, we found that increased material consumption was not associated with increased SWB in rural Vietnam. If an increase in material consumption diminishes SWB (as with economic development), economic growth could have a negative effect on SWB. Thus, considering how to increase SWB through material consumption is necessary. Some individuals tend to use the same material goods more extensively than others. These particular individuals consume fewer material inputs, other things being equal. In Analysis 4, we investigate whether these individuals are happier. To examine the following: “Please select all applicable items. ‒ I want to utilize “goods” and look after them for as long as possible (attachment dummy = 1: applicable; attachment dummy = 0: not applicable).” We then divided our sample into Group A (with attachment) and Group B (without attachment). Group A corresponded to “attachment dummy=1” and Group B corresponded to “attachment dummy=0.” Fig. 7 Material consumption and SWB (rural area in Vietnam). Based on the results of Tsurumi et al. (2020c). Note: Vertical line corresponds to life satisfaction. individuals’ characteristics, we asked take good care of increased consumption linked is 97

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