
consumption are shown in Table 2. We found that relational consumption contributed to all measures of SWB without clear upper bounds. In contrast, material consumption contributed to all measures of SWB only up to certain thresholds. 96 3.2 Analysis 2: Effects of “Way of Thinking and Belief” on Relationship between Consumption and SWB in Japan (Tsurumi et al., 2020a) In Analysis 2, we investigated the relationship between consumption and SWB using the subsamples shown in Table 4. This study aimed to investigate whether belief or environmental ethics affect the relationship between consumption and SWB. Fig. 3 Relational and material consumption and SWB (Japan). Based on the results of Tsurumi et al. (2020b). Note: Vertical line corresponds to both life evaluation and emotional well-being. Table 4 Definitions of subsamples. Subsample Subsample A Subsample B Subsample C Subsample D-1, D-2, D-3, and D-4 Figure 4 presents simplified estimation results. The results show that, although there are no SWB (life satisfaction) satiation thresholds for total consumption among people in Japan on average, there are satiation thresholds among some subsamples. A simplified SWB (life satisfaction) satiation point for these subsamples, exclusive of “Subsample D-4: Immoderate damage,” is illustrated in Fig. 4. The implication is that those subsamples have no incentive for increasing their total Which of the following statements best describes your “ideal life”? Please select all options (as many as you wish) describing your ideal life (sample selection “Living a simple life with minimal material possessions": N = 2752). Question: “A contented mind is a perpetual feast” is a Confucian teaching. Basically, “Human desires are endless, but a person who is satisfied living within his means and does not crave for more is happy and rich. A person who is pleased with today and has no complaints about the present is blessed with a life of contentment.” Do you believe in this teaching? (sample selection “I believe in it”: N = 3,541) Regarding Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, how satisfied are your needs at stage 3 (Love)? (sample selection: “Satisfied”) Please tell us whether you agree with the following: D-1. Irreversibility: Once destroyed, the natural environment can never be restored to its prior state (sample selection “Agree”: N = 3,027). D-2. Intergenerational equity: We must pass on to future generations the natural and cultural legacy we have received from prior generations (sample selection “Agree”: N = 2,967). D-3. Intergenerational equity (with the cost of sacrifices): Even at the cost of sacrifices from our generation, we must leave behind a natural environment in good shape for future generations (sample selection “Agree”: N=1,836). D-4. Immoderate damage: If things go on this way, there will be enormous environmental destruction and disasters in the future (sample selection “Agree”: N = 3,438). Sources: Ekins et al. (2003) and Ekins (2014) T. TSURUMI et al. consumption after a certain suppress overconsumption. No satiation threshold exists for individuals who have environmental ethics concerns, such as fear of causing “immoderate damage.” Thus, we need to acknowledge that, even if we merely recognize the gravity of environmental problems (i.e., “immoderate damage”), changing our relationship between consumption and SWB is difficult. Additionally, our estimation results imply that individuals who professed to fulfill Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (Love) may be connected with those who place great importance on future generations’ wellbeing. Thus, the concepts of irreversibility and intergenerational equity could be similar to the concept of granting great importance to social capital or future generations, which may also suppress overconsumption. 3.3 Analysis 3: Relationship between Consumption and SWB in Urban and Rural Vietnam (Tsurumi et al., 2021c) Analyses 1 and 2 suggest that (1) in Japan, total consumption contributes to better life evaluations without clear upper bounds; (2) however, a SWB saturation point Fig. 4 Consumption and SWB in Japan (Overall sample and subsamples). Based on the results of Tsurumi et al. (2020a). Note: Vertical line corresponds to life evaluation (life satisfaction). Definitions threshold, which may

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