
 fjX Table 1 Our original surveys. Survey 1 March 2017 Fig. 1 Effect of decreasing or increasing consumption levels on SWB based on planetary boundaries. Source: Tsurumi et al. (2021a). nconsumptioij194 decrease in their SWB. Therefore, a move from Path B to Path A is required, as indicated by the arrow in Fig. 1. Conversely, in developing countries, individuals expect SWB improvements to accompany economic growth. To suppress overconsumption and keep consumption levels below planetary boundaries, we need improve individuals’ SWB-per-unit consumption. This could be achieved by changing from Path B to Path A. This would enable consumption within planetary boundaries to avert deterioration in SWB when consumption levels increase along with economic growth. Therefore, a move from Path B to Path A is also needed for developing countries. Thus, increasing SWB-per-unit consumption is necessary, as represented by the arrow in Fig. 1. to realize Path A, To this end, one important task is classifying consumption. If individuals experience a higher degree of SWB by consuming one product rather than another at the same cost, they will achieve greater SWB. Studies have reported that social capital exerts a significantly positive influence on SWB. Further, Bjørnskov (2003) reports that social capital affects happiness to a greater degree compared to income at least in developed countries. Thus, relational goods or consumption may exert a significant influence on SWB. Essentially, by engaging in consumption involving social interaction, the consumer may simultaneously experience greater satisfaction related to social capital and a corresponding increase in SWB. Survey period Survey 2 March 2018 Survey 3 March 2019 Survey 4 March 2020 (follow-up survey of survey 3) November 2020, March 2021 (follow-up survey to Survey 1) Survey 5 Methods Internet survey Internet survey Face-to-face survey Face-to-face survey Internet survey to T. TSURUMI et al. Country/region Japan (nationwide) Vietnam (urban area) Vietnam (rural area: Thieu Ngoc) Vietnam (rural area: Thieu Ngoc and Darsal) Japan (nationwide) SWBki Because the environmental load from relational consumption is not necessarily insubstantial, we must be careful not to equate an increase in consumption with a decrease the correlation between the completely solitary consumption of goods and an increase in SWB can at least be affirmed as difficult to establish, we can begin investigating whether such goods should be unwelcome in the future. We have focused not only on the total amount of consumption expenditure and types of consumption (i.e., material and relational consumption) but also on individuals’ various ways of thinking and beliefs, which include the principle that it is best to lead a simple life with minimal material possessions, belief the Confucian teaching that “a contented mind is a perpetual feast,” Maslow’s (Love), environmental ethics, and attachment to material goods. These beliefs can affect the relationship between consumption and SWB and whether high SWB can be achieved through reduced consumption. To examine the relationship between consumption and SWB, we present the following equation: where i represents the individual and k represents the SWB indicator of type k, with k being any of the following five types: the Cantril Ladder, life satisfaction, subjective happiness, affect balance and eudaimonia. 1 is a constant. The main independent variable, consumptioni, (total consumption or both material and relational consumption). Xij represents control variables used in prior SWB studies (i.e., age, gender, level of subjective health, education, marriage as consumption expenditure is reported per household, we also control for the number of people in the household. Finally, αj represents coefficients, and ε is the uncorrelated error term. To identify the different functional forms of consumption clearly, we utilized nonparametric functions for consumption. Regarding the other explanatory variables, we accounted for parametric functions and applied a semiparametric regression. Five surveys were conducted from 2017 to 2021, as shown in Table 1. Observations N = 13,690 (valid responses: 9,635) N = 2,218 (valid responses: 1,370) N = 2,052 (valid responses: 1,921) Thieu Ngoc: N = 1,824 (valid responses 1,250), Darsal: N = 3,043 (valid responses 2,435) November 2020 (N = 2,500; valid responses: 1,639), March 2021 (N = 3,214; valid responses: 2,748) load. However, in environmental hierarchy represents consumption of children). Furthermore, and having if in needs of ... (1)i ijWell-beingLimit of consumption based on Planetary Boundary Path A Path B Consumption

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